We only managed to pull a couple of high-rollers out when the NCR swooped in. Even with all those explosives, we just barely got a hole in the gate. The guys over at the Wrangler lived up to their promise: a ridiculous amount of C4 (rumor has it they scavenged it from some old Powder Gang stash).

We marched out into the streets and rallied what forces we could. Now that we're all settled in, I figure I ought to write down what happened, for posterity's sake. Who would've thought? Thanks again boys, and keep the music of man alive. Heck, you even ended up serving the Strip well. Thank you for all you've done while in my service. You can protest all you want, but I'm telling you, I'm a dead man. You're looking for that piece of shit Teleportalponder right? Everyone's always looking for the Teleportalponder. What you seek had butter be worth it, because I'll be jamned if I, the Great and Powerful Toaster, allow you into my domain.