Wylis is held prisoner at Harrenhal, and is mentioned to Arya Stark by Hot Pie, as he frequently visits the kitchens looking for leftover morsels. The new King's Hand, Tyrion Lannister, later offers the safe return of Wylis and Harrion Karstark in exchange for Willem Lannister. First Tywin offers Wylis back safely, provided that Wyman pulls all support for Robb. Several offers are made by House Lannister to trade Wylis back to his father and his king. He is captured at the Battle on the Green Fork by Lord Tywin Lannister. Wylis leads the Manderly forces under Lord Roose Bolton after the Northern force splits. Wylis insists that Lord Walder should have to leave his castle to negotiate terms with Robb. Upon arrival in The Riverlands the Stark force stops at the Twins, where they are greeted by Ser Stevron Frey, the eldest son of Lord Walder Frey. Wylis remains with the Manderly men upon arrival at Moat Cailin, sending his brother to bring Catelyn before his liege lord. He rides in the company of his brother, Ser Wendel Manderly, Lady Catelyn Stark and the knights Rodrik Cassel and Brynden Tully. Wylis is given command of the forces of House Manderly sent when Robb Stark calls the banners of the houses sworn to House Stark.